

The city identifies key data stakeholders by department and data owners. Data types may also vary. Some examples include; spatial data, demographics and financial data, digital analytics, and internal analytics.

City of El Paso IT Strategic Plan

Data Types

  • Spatial data (maps and layers) is used for service requests by planning and inspections, streets and maintenance, fire and police, among others.
  • Demographics and financial data are used for community input, communications, planning, and departments like economic development for strategic city growth.
  • Digital analytics, including engagement with web services, websites, social media, and other public-facing digital mediums.
  • Internal analytics resulting from operational activities such as KPI target tracking, CRM services, fleet tracking, and others.
Constituent/Customer Feedback Collected Data

Data Visualizations

We implement new procedures for data identification and extraction, including a data warehouse, or data visualization through interactive dashboards, for example: Office of Management & Budget (

The city also provides no-code data visualization training in Power Bi to enable other departments to be self-sufficient in their data sharing initiatives.

Privacy, & Security

Data accessibility, privacy, and security go hand in hand. IT enforces multiple policies to:

  1. Provide granular access to datasets on a need-basis
  2. Review access periodically
  3. Process data to report aggregate results and preserve data source privacy. Examples of this include COVID data reporting.
  4. Sensitive data or data containing any personal information in the cloud is doubly encrypted and only accessible through individually approved IP addresses.
El Paso Strong COVID-19 Reporting Dashboard
Data-Driven Governance

Data-Driven Governance

The city tracks 120 KPI's across all 26 departments. A custom application (City Goals) was developed in-house for departments to consolidate and report results. KPIs are linked to the corresponding City Goal, Vision Block and Strategic Object (25 by 2025, 30 by 2030), included in the City Report Card and reported in Goal Updates to Council. The application also supports departmental KPIs linked to operational objectives.:

  • Increase of online payments vs. in-person
  • Number of individuals engaged through social media
  • Number of Neighborhood Leadership Academy enrollments
  • Tax Office average phone wait times
  • Number of pothole repairs
  • Percentage of on-time preventative maintenance (mass-transit)
  • Community health outreach: number of low to moderate-income individuals reached and served
  • Number of quality-of-life virtual programming participants
  • Museum attendance
  • Library program participation
  • Parks and Recreation program participation
  • Zoo event attendance
  • Wireless internet through Digital El Paso
  • IT availability and reliability
  • -% Quality of Life projects completed at or under budget
  • Animal Services Live release rate

Spatial Open
Data Hub

The GIS Team receives constant requests for geographic data. As a solution, the GIS Open Data Hub was created, which is a centralized repository from which geographic data can be downloaded. The hub allows our teams to manage and make authoritative content accessible to everyone all in one place.

Spatial Open Data Hub