Information Technology



DoITS Mission - Leverage and expand the use of technology to support and enhance service delivery, reduce inefficiencies, and introduce innovative, reliable, user-centric solutions.

City of El Paso IT Strategic Plan


This year, the Department of Iinformation Technology Services (DoITS) department conducted an offsite DoITS strategic planning workshop, bringing IT program leaders together. It included a summary of the City strategic planning session outcomes, highlights of each DoITS program’s accomplishments, key strategic challenges/opportunities, and top priorities for the next 1-3 years.

Actions taken by Enterprise IT have included reorganization within the department, strengthening and expanding collaborative efforts with City departments and external agencies/entities, and expanding the use of existing technologies.

Reorganization within the department has brought about the clustering of IT programs closely aligned in service delivery under singular leadership for each group. This reorganization has resulted in more cohesive efforts towards objectives and improved efficiencies. These improvements will allow the IT department to focus on innovating beyond the typical operations maintenance responsibilities.

City 2 DoITS
Lean Six Sigma Project

Communication Objectives

DoITS aligns with other critical city departments such as the Strategic Communications Dept. or the Performance Office to ensure the process improvement framework embeds in the technology solutions delivery and that we meet our city’s communication objectives.

In addition, DoITS participates in numerous Lean Six Sigma (LSS) and cross-functional team projects across the organization as the technology solutions expert in said projects/initiatives.

IT refreshed its strategic plan in December 2021 and adopted it in January 2022. In addition, IT brought all its program leaders together and conducted an offsite strategic planning workshop. The workshop resulted in a summary of the City strategic planning session outcomes, highlights of each DoITS program’s accomplishments, key strategic challenges and opportunities, and defining top priorities for the next 1-3 years.

DoITS Goals

As a member of City’s High Performing Government Vision Block, the DoITS technology solutions and services support the mission, vision and strategies established in the City Strategic Plan.

The DoITS Focus Areas are critical areas of technology to drive City’s goals.

User engagement/experience

  • Design useful, discoverable, accessible, and valuable systems for our constituents, visitors, and workforce.
  • Positively impact how people feel about their technology interactions.
  • Improve the user's effectiveness and efficacy.
  • Establish a user experience (UX) research lab to promote innovation and cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Enhance, expand, improve digital services to residents and businesses with sustainable and innovative solutions

  • Full cleanup, merger, and digitalization of all public and internal city forms, Develop Open Data Hub to improve transparency
  • Improve and expand resident and business online service and payment portals
  • Improve and expand online Service Request applications

Systems and Technology modernization and optimization

  • Modernize software infrastructure by leveraging the cloud and emerging technologies.
  • Replace/upgrade legacy and end of life hardware per the Master Technology Plan
  • Sunset plan and migration for software applications

Protect and strengthen the City’s critical infrastructure and assets against cyber threats

  • Expand the hardening of infrastructure and systems against threats
  • Expand threat intelligence program and tie into a vulnerability management program
  • Improve the city’s cybersecurity posture
  • Establish a Cyber Risk Management Program and Risk Management Division
  • Increase security awareness education, messaging and workshops
  • Improve the citywide Ransomeware Incident Response plan

Hire, retain, and grow first-class IT personnel

  • Recruit highly talented personnel
  • Develop a remote and flexible work plan
  • Implement and improve HR recruiting and employee management systems
  • Strengthen and expand the IT Internship program

Fiscal responsibility

  • Maintain a robust and responsible technology contract management
  • Extend the use of existing technology
  • Expand and develop community partnerships for sharing of resources