


The My El Paso Intranet receives an average of 144k pageviews a month, it was designed to increase staff satisfaction, drive employee engagement, and unify organizational goals that support city operations and the community.

City of El Paso and mountains

Before & After

my.elpaso before
my.elpaso after

Accessibility & Consistency

A major improvement for this re-design was optimizing the employees’ experience on their mobile devices. The enhancements included a search capability of hundreds of documents and resources employees interact with daily while also following the City’s brand standards across devices.

Intranet on desktop, tablet, mobile
Constituent/Customer Feedback

Customer Experience

The methods we utilized for listening went from traditional surveys, empathy maps through focus groups, hands-on prototype testing, and through website analytics.

City Employee Feedback

Before full roll-out, feedback was gathered through a series of meetings, live demonstrations and SharePoint sites where City employees had the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback, and through the existing website's analytics.

User Feedback

Cross-Platform Approach & Data Integrations

The intranet website is a living project where improvement modules will add up to improve the user experience. One of these modules includes the learning calendar where training specialists can add course events to a calendar and give all City employees the ability to plan and sign up for training and other learning workshops.

Various helpful API's, tools and resources were included:

  • Microsoft Azure - Hosted as an azure application
  • Google Maps - display an address
  • Calendar Events - employees can directly add an event to their Outlook or Google calendars
  • EPLearners - link to the interface to register to courses (blackboard)
  • Youtube videos
  • WordPress and plugins - integrated as a WordPress website with the ability to add plugins (like the one added for the Learning Calendar)
  • Cherwell - Links to support portals for HR, IT, Purchasing
  • Microsoft Applications and other internal applications


Users can now search for any of the 460+ documents in one place (the documents page) or find them within their relevant pages. This with the aim to target the beginner users (new city employees or those who don't use the website as often) who are exploring and experiencing the information for the first time or power users who know the name of the document they are searching for.

Creating Accessible Content

Creating accessible content is crucial for the City of El Paso to ensure inclusivity and equal access to information for all individuals. We have curated a set of guidelines and instructional materials available to City employees that cover various formats such as social media, PDF files, and PowerPoint presentations. We also provide general guidelines and ADA sensitivity training courses.

By following these guidelines, employees can make their content accessible, which allows people with disabilities to perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the information effectively. Providing these resources benefits the organization by fostering a more inclusive and diverse environment, improving communication and engagement with a broader audience, and complying with legal requirements, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Ultimately, accessible content empowers individuals with disabilities, promotes equal opportunities, and enhances overall user experience for everyone interacting with the City organization's materials.

Creating accessible content section on my elpaso intranet

Design Standardization

The City's branding efforts cross both external and internal communications. Providing design standards and resources on our City intranet serves multiple purposes, bringing significant benefits to our internal operations.

  • By establishing guidelines and instructions for business cards, we ensure a consistent and professional representation of our employees when engaging with external stakeholders.
  • The availability of PowerPoint templates and a comprehensive guide on creating effective presentations empowers our staff to deliver impactful and visually appealing content, enhancing communication and engagement within the organization.
  • Standardizing QR codes streamlines their usage across various departments and initiatives, enabling seamless integration and enhancing accessibility for the public.
  • Teams backgrounds further enhance our organizational identity and professionalism enabling our employees to maintain a consistent visual presence during virtual meetings and collaborations.

By providing these resources, we foster a unified brand identity, strengthen our professional image, and promote efficient and effective communication, ultimately contributing to the overall success of our City organization.